Dear web visitor,
Welcome to our website! Before you continue to browse our site and use our services, it is important that you understand and accept all our legal notices and terms of use. By accessing and using our website, you automatically agree to all of our legal terms of use and conditions. These terms of use apply to all visitors, users and all others who access or use the website.
What you will find here:
Our website offers a wide range of information and services that may be of interest to you. To ensure that you and all other users have a positive experience, we have established rules and guidelines that are described and listed below.
Your approval:
Please take a moment to read all our Terms of Use, which form the basis of your interaction with our website. It is important that you fully understand these documents as they contain important information about your rights and obligations and about the protection of your personal data.
Legal obligations:
Use of our website means that you accept the terms and conditions set out in the following articles. These include, among other things, guidelines on copyright-protected content, limitations of liability and applicable law. We take great care to ensure that our terms of use are clear and understandable in order to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure fair use of all content and services provided.

Terms and Conditions

Applicable law

Cookie Policy

Copyright notice

Data Protection

Business licence


Contact information

Changes and updates:
We reserve the right to change the content of the legal information at any time. Such changes will take effect as soon as they are published on our website. We recommend that you visit this page regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes.
Should you have any questions about any of our legal notices, terms of use or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our contact page. We are here to help you and ensure that your experience on our website is as safe and positive as possible.